Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Pool Time

We spent a little time at the Monelucia Pool today
followed by dinner with Grandad at Humble Pie
Caroline...looking cute.
Will, in his upside down, pink army goggles
Andrew, on the steps...his usual place (for now)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Little Doggies

This morning the boys were having a little fun together while I was catching up on some neglected chores, like laundry, ect... I love it when I catch them in their play. I came out to the family room and saw this...

The family room is now the boys, i mean dogs' fort and Lucy's bowl has been hijacked for the new pets.

I love it when they are happy, playing together, imagining, loving life...even if it is a HUGE mess.

Monday, December 27, 2010

My Sweet Girl

This is my sweet girl... It's hard to believe how fast time has flown with her. At almost 11, she is beautiful on the inside and out. She is one amazing girl...a great big sister, a leader, she's responsible, funny, creative, she sews, reads a lot, plays the trumpet, makes life FUN, the family scrambled egg expert, thinks of others, has a great sense of humor, and much more...However, what I love most about this girl is her love for the Lord. She treasures His word in her heart.

She's even at home with a bb gun...

She's kind of the 'glue" with her little brothers...loving and helping them everyday.

Watch out for this girl!!! (maybe I'm biased, a little, but she's a special one)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Niece Time

Starting tonight, we have the treat of having our niece, Emily, stay with us.

I met Emily when she was 3 as I began dating her uncle. It was kind of a big deal to be dating Uncle Chris among the 8 nieces and nephews. He was the last one to get married. So I felt some pressure to "win" over the gang. I showed up to a family beach vacation loaded with nail polish and other girly stuff. Emily has always graciously included people...even at three! She always wants everyone to get a piece of candy if she is given one. (and she LOVES candy).

And now at 16, she is one amazing girl. She rivals Giadda in the kitchen, has an eye for fashion, is a good friend, sister and daughter, and this summer, she scored a coveted internship at a local hospital. God has great plans for this girl!!!

Can't wait for you to be here sweet Emi!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Perfect Freedom"

Let me start by saying that I really like things to be as close to perfect as possible. So much so that I will not do something if it won't turn out how I want it. You would not know this by looking at my house. My house inches along in a half finished state because I fear starting projects that might "fail". Combined with that, I like it all to look 'easy' and be able to say 'Oh, I just threw it together.' This combination has it's pluses, like when I did this last minute (10 min before) for a dinner party....

But it also has it's downside. Like postponed parties, lack of adventure, half finished projects, projects never started... The bummer is I really end up missing out on real life.

I have some friends I get to meet with regularly who are really helping me in this area. They are "calling it out" in my life and encouraging me to fight against it. Everyday I am surprised at how this mind set has crept into so many areas of my life. So I am fighting back...

Last night we had a small meeting at our house. I had a million things to do in 10 minutes and while hurrying to clean up from dinner, put kids to bed, vacuum the family room, light the candles, make the coffee, love on the kids...I quickly turned the cake onto the cake plate while it was too hot. Let me just say it did not work. However, I had a strange peace about the whole thing. I just iced it and served it. Just as it was. Best part was that it was AWESOME!!!!

How's that for fighting back?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Post

Here is my first post on this blog...Life's Small Treats. Here we go.

Some of the best treats in my life are actually HUGE Blessings. You know, the one's that make you realize that you did not get here on your own. The best example of this is my husband, Chris. He provides small treats for me daily.

Take this for example...

How did I get to marry this guy??? He often dons this type of attire. The best part is, it is a part of his job. I love that he "goes for it"! I love that our kids see him "going for it"...and I love that he lets me take his picture and post it on Facebook (and now this blog!).

Basically, he ROCKS.